Celestial Size Chart

There are several videos circulating showing a comparison of the largest stars. I like these kind of things, and I wanted to try one myself. Probably because I also watched "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan as a kid. Actually my first Youtube upload. Hope you like it...

This is a crisp and clear star size chart to help me understand my place in the universe. ​


5 - Star Trail Timelapse

‎"Startrails Timelapse Carolina" Filmed at Huckleberry Knob and Salvo, N.C.; the far eastern and western edges of North Carolina. Print of the main image available here: http://fineartamerica.com/featured/perseid-smoky-mountain-startrails-daniel-lowe.html http://danieldragonfilms.com http://twitter.com/IStockTimelapse This is what I did with 2 years worth of static star timelapses that might have otherwise went unseen. If this gets a decent amount of views, then I'll follow up with a tutorial on how to do this in After Effects.

North Carolina-based photographer Daniel Lowe explains:

These scenes are created by stacking a sequence of long-exposure, high-resolution digital photographs in Adobe After Effects and allowing each photograph to linger on the screen for a short duration of time before fading.
