Wanted to feature some of the great stuff that people are putting up all around the world on the SKYE Weather+Photo app.
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Wanted to feature some of the great stuff that people are putting up all around the world on the SKYE Weather+Photo app.
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More info here: http://peakproject.mammut.ch/en/peaks3/tour/96263 Mammut 150 Years and Peak Project: Trango Tower, Pakistan (6286m / 20,623ft) - RC Helicopter Sample Footage (Dedicam). Mammut proteam athlete: David Lama.
A remoted-controlled quad-rotor drone follows climbers ascending Pakistan’s 20,623 foot Trango Tower. WIth accesible gear like this, actual mountain climbing expeditions can look as cinematic and gorgeous as theatrical ones.
The current cultural and ethnic distribution across Eurasia may give the appearance of inevitablity, but from the Tocharian mummies in western China (read more ) to the Central Asian Alans settling in western France, there is a much more complex and interesting story to discover.
The modern-day Kalesh are a stunning, human testemant to this complexity.