Using just a simple mirror and clever camera placement, conceptual dance theatre company A House Unbuilt has created this: Fidget and Flail.
From Victoria Bradford on HUB:
"I've been making these small dance films for about a year and a half, and much of it started with me "running around in my living room," as one curator put it. Lately, however, my energies have been invested in more involved, devised choreographies with a full company of dancers, so when I turned to my latest living room of a studio, I found myself fidgeting to the point of flailing in an attempt to find a dance. And yet, by imposing a frame which restricted my own view of the body, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of dismemberment and a disjointing of the body. From this, my newfound body cultivated a dance in cycles of flailing collapse and fidgeting recovery."